Ramona The Pest – Summary

In the beginning, Ramona was arguing with Beezus about how she is not a pest. Next, Ramona attends kindergarten for the first time in her life and will show Beezus that she is not a pest. She is going to Glenwood School with Howie, her neighbor. Following this event, Ramona met her teacher, Ms. Binney. Ms. Binney is a pretty and tall woman. When Ramona was put into a seat, Ms Binney told her to sit here for the present. By that, she meant to sit here for right now and Ramona will probably be moved somewhere else. But with Ramona’s knowledge, she mistaken it with like a gift and that Ms. Binney will give her one if she sat there. Eventually, Ramona was telling everyone that she is going to get a present from Ms. Binney and Howie got extremely mad about Ramona’s brags.